Friday, October 28, 2022

Halloween in 4th Class

The boys and girls in 4th class had a great day showing all their friends their Halloween costumes and doing Halloween activities in school. They really enjoyed making our chocolate witches hats. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

Maths Week 2022

As part of math week, fourth class created a maths trail for the boys and girls in first class. Fourth class thought about what math concepts the first class children would know and made a math trail based on these concepts. They helped the boys and girls complete the trail on yard. 

Fourth class had a great time helping first class. They loved seeing the boys and girls figure out the questions they made for them. 

World Book Day 2023

On the 2nd of March, we celebrated world book day. The children in 4th class had a great day learning about different authors and speaking a...